Friday, December 23, 2016

A cheating Partner! What Goes Through THeir Mind?

The 7 Key Mindsets of a Cheating Partner 

Have you always wanted to understand the mindset of a cheating partner? Have you ever been puzzled by the behavior of cheaters? Well... believe it or not but all cheaters have some key common mindsets that allow them to cheat. They have some key attitudes that allow them to sanction their unfaithful ways. So what are the key mindsets of a cheating spouse?
1. Incorrect vision of the relationship. This partner has either a hazy perspective on what they want their relationship to look like in the long term or their vision for the relationship is that they are in it only for a short time. If your partner's vision is erroneous then they have created room to allow them self to be untrue to you.
2. No relationship goal. A partner with this mindset does not have a long term goal for the relationship. This happens mainly because many of us have a goal of getting into a relationship but once we are in the relationship we have no goal for the relationship. We simply keep moving without knowing where we are going as a couple. A partner with no relationship goal will easily cheat when the opportunity presents itself.
3. Incorrect relationship assessment gauge. Cheating partners compare their relationship with other relationships instead of their own vision of what they want for their relationship. And as you all know when you compare yourself with others you become either conceited or discontent. Conceit gives a false sense of invincibility that makes a person more likely to cheat as they do not take the necessary safeguards against cheating. Discontent on the other hand makes a person seek fulfillment elsewhere in search of the elusive 'great' relationship that other people have.
4. No growth. This is a partner who is not committed to keep growing in the relationship and they have a mindset of wanting things to remain as they were at the start and if things change then they are prone to being untrue as they search for what 'used to be'.
5. Emotions held by the past. A partner with this mindset is controlled by the past. Whatever happened in the past still has a hold on this partner. This means that if this person was cheated on they believe that all other partners will cheat on them and they either keep talking about it or acting like it is happening until it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. To avoid this pitfall make sure that your partner has made peace with their past.
6. Immediate gratification. A partner with this mindset is usually not ready to make sacrifices for the relationship. They focus on getting gratification now and so will not resist attraction to other people as they place a higher premium on how they feel, now and here, regardless of its possible repercussions.
7. Avoid responsibility. A partner with this mindset does not take responsibility for them self. It is always either somebody else's fault or they couldn't help them self. This mindset prepares your partner to cheat since they have convinced them self that they are not responsible.
A partner with only one of these mindset's may, with some help, learn to change their attitude but a partner with most of these will need a serious mind transformation for them to close the door to infidelity.
Rosy Anderson is a researcher in social economic issues and their effects on decision making. If your relationship has gone through a crisis here are some quick relationship fixes and some clues on what he does when he wants to dump you.
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Monday, December 12, 2016

There Are Obvious Signs If Your Partner Is Cheating - These Are The Signs

Signs of a Cheating Partner - Detecting Infidelity in a Relationship

Infidelity is one of the most devastating thing that can happen to a person in a relationship, thus paying close attention to the warning signs of a cheating partner can help you deal with the problem early on.
No matter how hard a cheating partner hides his affairs, there are always signs that may come out and reveal the secret. Women for instance have keen attention to details and can sense that there is something wrong with the relationship. Most often, a strong intuition prompts a woman to check on their partners, but somehow, it is always wise to find proofs if there is really something fishy about the relationship.
Here are some signs that you may want to pay attention to if you want to check if your partner is hiding something. Although these signs are the most common signs of a cheating partner, it can however mean other things. However, if you see most of these signs in your spouse, you may indeed be dealing with infidelity.
Unusual and suspicious phone conversations
Probably one of the changes that you will notice in a cheating partner is their unusual behavior when taking calls. A cheating spouse may get out of the house to answer the phone, or go somewhere around the house where the conversation would be unheard. At times, cheating spouses take risks of answering phone calls with your presence but they always keep an eye on you. They may hang up the phone if you are getting too close or may segue into another topic usually with a louder voice. One thing that you may be suspicious about is they try to hide their cell phone or if not, they are erasing call logs and messages.
Leaving no trace of their internet activities
Like phone messages, one of the signs of a cheating partner is erasing any traces of their internet activities. You will find the internet history empty. You may also find him spending more time on the internet or online chatting and you might find suspicious behavior when he is checking his emails. Being uncomfortable in his internet activities when you are around could also be a sign that he is indeed hiding something from you.
Changed work habits
Most infidelities happen in the workplace, as this is where people spend more time aside from home. Most often too, cheating partners often make work as an excuse and may exhibit strange working habits like working late nights or going out with some officemates which he does not usually do before.
Suspicious spendings
Suspicious expenses on the credit card may also appear, and somehow, money may become an issue when one partner is cheating. New expenses, increased phone bills, change is savings... you can somehow find paper trails in clues when it comes to money matters. Although these may mean something other than infidelity, it is also wise to check these paper trails and find possible signs of a cheating partner.
Knowing that your partner is cheating on you can be devastating but make sure too that before finding clues on the infidelity, you are prepared to face the truth and you know how to deal with it if ever your hunch is indeed right.
Carolyn Anderson loves to share resources to help you deal with doubts about infidelity in the relationship. For a good guide and software to help you find out the truth about your spouse, check out Cheat Sweeper. Also check out Catch Your Cheating Lover, a do-it-yourself guide to help you catch a cheating partner.
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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Monster List Of Signs You Have A Cheating Partner

49 Signs Of A Cheating Partner - Read These Red Flags Now And Know If Your Partner Is A Cheater

Lately things just aren't the same with your partner. Something seems off, and you can't help but wonder if there's somebody else. Suspecting your partner of cheating can be tricky. The possibility terrifies you, but you're also afraid of being wrong and looking like a fool who has trust issues. In a situation like this, it is wise to tread carefully.
Make sure that there are legitimate reasons for suspecting your partner, and that it's not just your insecurity that is skewing your point of view. If you do have an overwhelming feeling that there may be infidelity in your relationship then read on for common signs of cheating, and compare them with your man or lady's behavior.
1. Change In long held beliefs: You observe a shift in your partner's attitude about relationships or love. It may be that your man used to condemn husbands who cheat on their wives and had strong opinions about infidelity. Suddenly, they seem more lenient with their thinking.
Maybe you're watching TV together one night and there's news of a celebrity couple breaking up because the man cheated. You are appalled, but he might shrug and say something like "Well, if she stopped having sex with him what do you expect?"
Pay attention to changes in long held beliefs that your partner had, he or she may be altering their view to accommodate their new thinking or behavior.
2. Trading in khakis for miniskirts: If you have known your partner for a while, then you might start noticing sudden changes in the way they dress or want to look. If your lady has always been very taken with her appearance, and she buys new clothes or changes her hair, it may not be a cause for alarm. However, if she used to dress like a frumpy grandmother to work and she's suddenly wearing miniskirts and high heels, then you may have a problem.
3. Newfound body image issues: A sudden and unjustified change in body image is another major infidelity sign. If your partner has taken the decision to be thinner or more muscular for health reasons or has always been fit there's probably no reason to doubt anything.
However, if your couch potato husband is not really concerned with his health, but suddenly starts spending hours in the gym because he is now obsessed with getting rid of his belly fat, then take a closer look. Also, if he refuses that you accompany him to the gym, or is presenting otherwise sketchy behavior regarding his body, he may be straying.
4. I want to be alone: Your partner suddenly wants to spend a lot of time on their own. The need for space is a major sign that something is going on especially if this request comes out of nowhere and with no valid explanation.
If you two had a fight and he or she is still resentful, then the need for space can be somewhat understood. However, if your relationship is stable and things are going great, and your partner suddenly wants to be alone, there might be someone else filling that void.
5. Picking fights: The man or woman in your life might also not only demand more space but do everything possible to create more of it. He or she might pick fights for no reason, and may make an issue of every little thing to create an illusion that you're not getting along.
They do this to legitimize their wrongdoings and to feel less guilty. The way they figure is this; since you're both always fighting, you are the unreasonable one and you are pushing them into another person's arms.
6. Storming out of the house: On a related note, if your man or woman storms out after a "fight" because they just can't take it anymore and say that they need some time to think, they may be using it as an opportunity to meet up with the other person. This technique has two major benefits.
First, it gives him or her more time on their own to cheat. Second, they can use the fights as a lever to gain the sympathy of the other person who they are cheating with. They want the other man or woman to stay in the deceitful relationship.
So they complain about their partner to demonstrate that they are being driven to cheat and so it isn't their fault. So if every time you fight with your partner, he or she storms out there may be a good reason why.
7. Reverse psychology: When someone is cheating, he or she becomes a master manipulator. If you start noticing that your once earnest and direct partner is using reverse psychology and other weird techniques that they didn't use before, then know that something is up. If he or she always makes it seem that you're the one in the wrong no matter what happens. He or she may have something to hide.
8. On the defensive: If your man or lady has suddenly become overly defensive and can't take any type of criticism, then you need to take a good look at what's going on. If you ask him about a lady co-worker and he starts a fight, or he becomes furious after you ask him why he didn't call if he was going to be late for dinner, there's something there.
Ask your partner about it, maybe there's a good reason for this newly found oversensitivity and short temper. A stressful work week or family problems may be to blame for this change in behavior.
9. Lying through their teeth: Cheating always involves lying. If you keep catching your partner in little lies, then something is up. If he said he was working late the night before at the office, then says that he was out with his boss having drinks another time, beware he may be cheating. If the little things he or she says just don't add up, then ask them about it. If they avoid confronting the issue, you can be sure that there's something going on that shouldn't be.
10. Going the distance: If your partner is cheating, then he or she may deal by becoming more distant. He will avoid talking about serious subjects and only engage in small talk. He may avoid getting into conversations about your finances, work, and children if you have them or any future plans. He or she will always seem to have something on their mind and you can't seem to connect with them on a deeper level like you used to.
11. Emotional detachment: Your partner might also disengage emotionally from your relationship. Your man used to be extremely affectionate and loving, but now you can't get an "I love you" out of him. There might be something wrong. You'll want to ask him why he has become emotionally detached.
He might be upset with you over something you did and is acting out, so talking about it is very important. If he just shrugs or refuses to even acknowledge his behavior or even blames you for being paranoid, something deeper might be festering under his aloof exterior and you need to be careful.
12. Loves being out alone, hates staying in with you: Does your partner seem upbeat when he or she gets home or when they are getting ready to go out, but seems gloomy while he or she is spending time with you? If you don't have any problems in your relationship that may be causing this change in behavior, then it might be that your partner is excited about something going on outside the home, something like a juicy affair.
13. Affection overload: Some other cheaters act in an entirely different manner due to overwhelming feelings of guilt. They will shower their partners with affection, gifts and caring words. They might be even more romantic than usual and more attentive.
If this shift is sudden and you cannot find a logical or even an illogical explanation for it, then ask your partner what brought this on, they may be able to reassure you and give you a valid explanation. If you still can't understand this behavior, it might be that your partner is cheating and using this as a decoy so you won't suspect anything.
14. Chatter away: On a related note, if your usually silent partner suddenly becomes a chatterbox, then beware. Sometimes people who lie tend to over talk or give more information than was asked for to cover up other things. Observe this new behavior for a while, and bring it up to them if it bothers you.
15. Working a lot of overtime: One of the most obvious cheating signs is your partner keeps working overtime when this was never the case before. He or she suddenly becomes the most valuable and hardest working employee in their company.
This doesn't always mean that your partner is cheating on you; there might be a special project that needs to be done before a certain deadline or it's the end of the year and there's a lot of work that needs to be done. However, if your partner seems to be the only one working overtime, and other employees don't seem to know anything about it, then there might be something fishy going on.
16. Do not enter-work zone: If your partner used to involve you in his or her work life. Telling you all about work, inviting you to company events like picnics, having you over to meet them for lunch but suddenly starts cutting you off, something might not be right.
Maybe he or she doesn't want you around their workplace because there's someone they don't want you to know about or there is something that they are hiding like all those extra projects they were working on late were fictional. If you do see any of your partner's co-workers, they may act very uncomfortable in your presence. If there is no valid explanation for this, something might be going on behind your back.
17. Buddies no more: Similarly, if your man used to invite his buddies over for Sunday night football or Thursday night Basketball every week, and suddenly stops having them over, it may be because he is afraid that they will spill his secret or not corroborate his stories.
If he starts meeting with them outside more and more, he may also be using them as his alibi for getting out of the house. He may be keeping you apart from them because he's afraid that they might accidently or intentionally divulge his secret.
18. Awkward friend situation: Also it may be that your man or lady's friends keep avoiding you even though you all used to be very close. Your girlfriend or wife's friends might do everything in their power to not see you because they can't face you if they know of their friend's cheating.
They might also be afraid of saying anything that would compromise your relationship and most people do not want to be a part of that. So they might avoid you all together so as not to find themselves in an awkward situation.
19. Bye Bye old interests: If your partner suddenly loses interest in activities which he used to love, then there might be something weird going on. If your man, out of the blue, starts to hate playing sports when he used to live and breathe soccer, or he stops spending his free time gardening on the weekends, then there might someone else in his life that is bringing on those changes.
20. Marriage blues: If you are married, and you notice that your husband or wife starts acting hostile or bored towards you, your children or your home life in general, there might be something fishy going on. He or she might start making references to how they misses being single or how hard it is to be married.
He or she might get rid of your children's toys in the car or anything that demonstrates that they have a family. They may be cheating with someone and are lying to them about being married with children, and so they suddenly start rejecting their marital status.
21. Beware of the Lazy pants: If your spouse used to be active around the house doing laundry, feeding the kids, mowing the lawn, and suddenly starts becoming lazy and uncooperative, he or she may be feeling negatively towards the very notion of being married and sharing your home.
They don't even want to try anymore, and this includes doing chores, planning family outings and vacations. They might not even want to attend important events such as holidays, anniversaries or birthday parties. This is especially suspicious if they never really had any issue with doing these things before.
22. Strange outings: Another sign that your partner may be straying is that he or she begins to go out to new places at strange times, and never has a convincing answer as to why this is. He used to hate food shopping, suddenly he insists on doing the weekly grocery shopping, and doesn't want you to come along.
She used to deeply despise anything arty, and out of the blue, one Saturday has an outing to go to an art museum with friends. You know your partner inside and out, so if you notice changes in their favorite activities with no valid explanation, something is up.
23. Sneaking out like a teenager: If your partner is sneaking out, then he or she may have something to hide. The reason they may be going out behind your back is usually to avoid scrutinizing questions and wants to avoid lying to you. If he or she has nothing to hide then letting you know that they are on their way out shouldn't be such a secretive matter, so beware of increased sneakiness and secrecy.
24. Is your partner an undercover agent?: You may find out that your partner has a new means of communication that you don't know about. This includes a new e-mail address, a Facebook account under a pseudonym or nickname, a new cell phone and phone number. All of these are big red flags that you should immediately take notice of.
25. Financial infidelity: Another major sign of cheating is the odd use of money and/or credit cards. If you are used to sharing financial data between you and your partner, and he or she suddenly starts hiding credit card statements or disabling your access to an online checking account to hide cash withdrawals or other new spending habits, something weird is going on.
26. Is this my partner talking?: If your partner is having an affair, then he or she might start using different language than he used to. This includes telling more or less jokes, or using certain catch phrases. He or she may even adopt a certain way of talking or an accent that is inspired by someone else.
We tend to emulate people that we like and hang around with often. So if this is happening in your relationship, pay attention and ask your partner about it.
27. Your partner becomes jumpy and frazzled: Your man or lady might easily get disturbed or confused by mundane things. If you do something nice for him or her, they act strange. This is because they want to vilify you to justify their wrongdoing, and your nice behavior catches them off guard.
They might act disoriented and jumpy for no apparent reason. This can be a cheating sign because your partner is trying to sort out his or her feelings about your relationship but also the affair, and is likely to present erratic and unstable behavior as a result.
28. Country music anyone?: If your partner suddenly starts developing new taste in music or in food, then you might want to question him or her about it. It may be that they are dating someone who is fond of a certain cuisine or music, and they are beginning to take a liking to it. Developing new tastes out of the blue can be a revealing sign that your partner has found someone new to be devoted to.
29. What's up with the Brazilian?: Another infidelity sign is a sudden change in personal hygiene and body grooming habits. If your man used to shower every morning and is suddenly taking several showers a day for no apparent reason, there might be something going on.
If your lady didn't used to pay attention to her private parts being groomed, and begins getting Brazilian bikini waxes, she might be trying to impress someone else. He or she may also buy new underwear and use it, or may start putting on a lot of perfume or after shave. Pay attention to these little details if you suspect your partner of cheating.
30. Condoms away!: Another sign that there might be a sexual affair going is the increased use of contraceptive methods. Is she on the pill when you have gotten a vasectomy? Is he carrying out condoms when you are on the pill and haven't used condoms since high school? If there is no valid explanation for this behavior, then this is a big red flag that your partner may be cheating.
31. Blue pill wonders: Another sign of cheating is that your partner is suddenly interested in purchasing medication for sexual performance. He may get erectile dysfunction medication such as Viagra. She might order breast enlargement herbal supplements or lubricant for herself. This is especially suspicious if it is done secretively through online ordering or he or she hides the objects once they arrive or takes them in secret.
32. The answer lies in clothes: There may be unexplained stains, smells or rips on your partner's clothing. This may include the clichéd lipstick smudge on your man's shirt, but also other types of stains and smells that just aren't typical of your partner's clothes. This can also lead to suddenly excessive laundry washing at weird hours of the day or night, unexplained purchasing of new clothes, or finding clothes in the trash can that your partner may have thrown away to hide evidence.
33. Knock knock, is anyone in there?: Your partner may be caught daydreaming or checked out at many times during the day, and doesn't tell you what they're thinking about and is unwilling to interact. He or she seems to be in another world, but denies it and can't seem to be bothered to engage in activities with you. Your partner may just be absorbed by work or something else might be bothering them.
34. Are you more likely to reach President Obama on the phone than your partner?: Your partner suddenly becomes impossible to reach. When you call the office, they are always at a meeting or on another call with an important client. Their cell phone is turned off on more than one occasion, and the cell phone reception in their building is suddenly the "worst." Your partner may not call you back right away, or claims to not have received your calls or listened to your messages.
Their assistant or receptionist is all of the sudden the most incompetent person on earth. In short, the fact that they have become inaccessible is everyone else's fault but their own. All the flimsy excuses in the world cannot hide the fact that there is something sketchy going on in your partner's life.
35. No, it's mine!: With the advent of new technologies, there is a multitude of ways one can keep in touch with someone else. If you and your partner used to share phones and laptops, and keep them on in each other's presence and this suddenly changes, there is a reason for that. You used to look at your man's cell phone, read his text messages and he never even flinched.
All of the sudden, his phone has become so precious to him that he eve takes it into the bathroom. If you take a look at it, he accuses you of snooping. His laptop, which used to be your computer as well, suddenly has password protection. All of these are telltale signs that he might have something to hide.
36. Delete all: If he still allows you to touch or use his or her phone, or laptop, you find that he or she always makes sure that browser history and cookies are deleted, that their contact list is cleaned up, and incoming e-mails erased.
Maybe they're just embarrassed of some pages they visited, but more likely, he or she may be hiding their online contact with a lover. Similarly, if his or her phone's message list or call log is always empty, they just might be hiding something or someone from you. Look into this.
37. He or she becomes a night owl: Your partner might spend a lot of time on their computers especially late at night and after you go to bed. Sure, your man might be a porn addict, but he may also be contacting another woman.
On a related note, your partner might start talking more and more on their cell phones, and racking up huge bills. To sum it up, if there is a sudden, unexplained change in telephone or computer usage with your partner, there may be something strange going on.
38. Your opinion and advice don't matter anymore: Another sign that your partner might be infidel is he or she stops seeking out your advice or your opinion about major decisions in their lives. They might make irresponsible big purchases or act impulsively without talking with you first. Maybe he went and spent all of his savings on a boat that you never knew about.
Maybe she decided to put up your house on the market without consulting you first. They may have quit their jobs and not even told you about it. This type of rash behavior is typical of a cheater who just doesn't care about planning your future together anymore and doesn't even care to ask what you think beforehand.
39. Your partner becomes a world champion nagger: A cheating partner may begin to constantly complain about you or your relationship and how unhappy he or she is. They may be overly critical of you, and suggest that things aren't working out. He or she may pick more fights to prove this point and makes no effort to make things work. At this point, your partner may be having an affair but also thinking of ending your relationship.
Now, if you do have genuine problems between you that you are working on, then there is probably nothing to worry about. However, if everything is going fine in your relationship and you do get along; your partner may be fabricating a broken relationship to justify not only his or her cheating, but also their leaving.
40. Sex? No thanks: If your partner is cheating on you, he may suddenly lose interest in having sex with you. Even if he or she does, they'll just go through the motions, with no shared feelings or emotions. If it's there any sex at all, it becomes just physical. If your partner has always been a passionate lover and suddenly becomes detached or cold in lovemaking for no good reason, there may be somebody else.
41. Who are you and what have you done with my wife?: If on the other hand, your man or lady usually is usually more reserved and subdued in bed, and suddenly becomes an extremely attentive and passionate lover with exaggerated displays of affection, they may be overcompensating to deal with their feelings of guilt.
They may suggest you try new things in bed and become more adventurous. Ask them where they got this newfound fervor, and if there's a valid explanation, then just enjoy. Otherwise stay alert. This change in sexual behavior might be a result of infidelity.
42. Extreme changes in feelings and behavior: Your partner may at times be very sexually engaged and at other times be completely withdrawn. Sometimes they shower you with affection, and other times they hardy want to talk to you and seem to avoid you.
Although, there may be good explanations for this type of unpredictable and erratic behavior, it is something to watch out for, especially if your partner used to be fairly consistent. It may be that they are cheating and are confused about their affair, thus taking out their mixed feelings on you.
43. He or she has become a complete downer: Has your partner been generally unsatisfied with their life lately even though they used to be happy? Is he or she much more negative than they used to be? This may be due to an exciting affair that they are having which has demonstrated to them how mundane their current life is. Have they become confused about their own sense of self? Maybe there is someone new in your partner's life who is calling into question their identity and who they are.
44. Bungee jumping, here I come: On a related note, is your partner suddenly a thrill seeker when you could never even get them to go on a child's water slide ride at your local amusement park? Does he suddenly want to get a motorcycle or a tattoo and signs up for mountain climbing classes? Of course, this might just be a mid-life crisis talking.
However, there's always the possibility that there is someone else, perhaps somebody younger in your partner's life that is instigating this transformation and inspiring this new attitude.
45. Low self-esteem: Another sign that your partner may be cheating is that he or she has increasingly low self esteem. This means that your partner is vulnerable and can fall prey to cheating because he or she cannot make themselves feel secure and worthy. If they believe that you are not providing them with enough approval or love and just aren't getting satisfaction from their job, they might go to someone else from whom they can obtain the desired feelings of security and self worth.
Of course this doesn't mean that if your partner cheats, this is your fault; your partner should have come to you first to resolve his or her issues, and low self esteem is no excuse for bad behavior.
46. Gonorrhea, herpes anyone?: A concrete sign that your partner may be straying is you have proof that they have contracted a sexually transmitted disease (STD) and it wasn't from you. Maybe you got a call from your husband's physician, or intercepted an email, or found lab results by mistake. You may even have seen the actual STD on your partner's body.
If this is the case and he or she has only gotten the disease recently, then your partner is not only straying but might even have contaminated you. So get yourself checked. If you have also gotten the STD and you have not engaged in sexual relations with a new partner, then this only serves to confirm your suspicions that your partner has been cheating on you.
47. The "friend" you never got to meet: A tangible sign of cheating is that someone new suddenly starts taking up your partner's time and attention. Whether it's a co-worker, a gym partner, or a friend from way back, this person seems to come out of the blue and he or she starts coming up in conversations and in future plans all the time.
Your partner brings up this mysterious friend in random conversation and they always seem to be at the right place at the right time and at social gatherings you weren't attending. Although it is healthy to seek out new friendships, it is a big red flag if your partner refuses to introduce you to this new friend and wants to keep him or her under wraps.
48. I'm a cheater? No you're the cheater, you cheater: A telltale sign that your partner might be cheating is that they turn around and accuse you of straying when you have given them no reason to doubt you. Of course, there's always the possibility that they're just jealous or are feeling insecure in the relationship. However, if you have reassured them of your unconditional love and have done more than enough to placate their anxiety, and they're still accusing you left and right, something is definitely wrong.
The reason they may be doing this if they're cheating is to deflect attention from their own behavior. They may also genuinely believe that you're cheating because they become paranoid and start imagining their own deceptive tactics everywhere. Don't fall into this trap, and don't start accusing them of cheating either, look out for other signs to be sure.
49. Follow your gut: The biggest sign that your partner may be cheating is that there is something deep inside of you that is making you doubt him or her in the first place. Think about it; you know your partner better than anyone. Their habits, actions and behaviors are hardwired into your brain, and so if you feel it in your gut that there's something wrong, then follow your instincts. It might turn out to be true.
What To Do If Your Partner Is Having An Affair?
Time To Act: Enough is enough.
Stop being the victim, stop living in self-denial, stop living in pain, stop living in agony and stop living in self-pity.
Be bold and take the first step in confronting the truth even if the truth is ugly and not what you want to know.
Now is the time for you to act. Whether you want to confirm your fears or catch your partner or spouse cheating on you with evidence, I can help you.
CLICK HERE To Get Instant Access To FREE TIPS To Catch A Cheating Partner.
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Friday, October 28, 2016

Can You Forgive A Cheating Partner

Forgiveness and Adultery - Can You Forgive a Cheating Partner?

So your husband has done the unthinkable and had an affair. You wonder if you will survive his adultery and more importantly how you will survive it. Will you be able to forgive him or is this the end of your marriage? How do you know whether you can forgive a cheating partner?
1) Is he a habitual adulterer? A husband who has never cheated on you before is very different from one who has had a string of affairs. Is this the first time he has cheated on you and is he really sorry about it? Is he sorry enough to give her up and to make a decision never to do it again? If he is then your relationship can be saved and you may be able to forgive him. If on the other hand he has a history of cheating or he is not sorry that he cheated but makes brazen light of it; then forgiving such a cheating partner may be impossible unless you want to live with adultery as the third partner in your relationship. Forgiveness in these instances is not possible because a man with a history of cheating will repeat his behavior unless something drastic happens to him. And a partner who is not really sorry simply does not see anything wrong with his cheating and will thus cheat on you again when the opportunity presents itself. For you to determine if forgiveness is possible you must of necessity be brutally honest with yourself. You cannot make excuses for him but you must see him for what he is. It was not the other women's faults or the alcohol or whatever circumstances that were there...he is just a cheating partner.
2) Is he willing to make up for his unfaithfulness? Adultery undermines the trust that you had in him and it changes your relationship forever since it totally changes your perspective of him and your relationship. Is he willing to do all that he can to rebuild your trust in him or does he want to continue in his old ways as you somehow 'get over' the adultery? To rebuild your trust he will have to open up his life to you and to walk with you as you deal with the insecurities that his cheating has created in your heart. To forgive a cheating partner requires that your now repentant partner teams up with you to rebuild what the adultery destroyed. If however your husband just wants to go back to the pre-adultery days without him doing any rebuilding of what was destroyed then forgiveness cannot occur and if you agree to such an arrangement then mistrust and suspicion will haunt you every day that you are with him and emotionally you will be stuck at his infidelity since you have really not dealt with it. It will always simmer just below the surface threatening your health, your peace of mind, your self esteem and your joy.
3) Are you able to let the adultery go? Adultery changes the way that you see your partner and your relationship; can you live with this new reality? He is not who you thought he was and your relationship was not as solid as you thought; can you accept that as your truth? If you can then you can forgive a cheating partner. If however you cannot accept this as your new reality and your one burning thought and desire is to get things back to how they were before the adultery then you cannot forgive a cheating partner since you refuse to face reality. To forgive a repentant cheating partner you must, as a necessity, accept that core things have forever changed in your relationship.
4) Are you willing to work at rebuilding your relationship? Your relationship will not just recover spontaneously after adultery. You will have to work with your now repentant partner to rebuild whatever was destroyed. This means that you must give your partner room to change and not give in to your now irrational fears of his continued cheating. You have to hold him accountable without wanting a second-by-second break down of all his time away from you. Giving him room to change means that you don't hold the adultery over him every time he does something wrong. You must be willing to leave the adultery in the past by not bring it up in conversations or in your thoughts. It will take your time and energy to do this and you must persist in it until healing occurs in your heart. Is this something that you are willing to commit yourself to do? If you are not willing then you cannot forgive him.
To forgive a cheating partner you must have all the 4 steps in place otherwise the adultery will continue to haunt you and to occupy a place of prominence in your life and relationship. Forgiveness allows you to grow and change from the experience but to also leave the adultery in the past.
However if you and your partner just seem to be a mismatch then use these simple compatibility tests to know if your problem is that you are simply incompatible but if your partner is a mystery to you then I would recommend these relationship questions to help you understand him and know whether your relationship can or should be saved.
Rosy Anderson is a researcher in social economic issues and the way they affect decision making; and she enjoys writing and being in healthy, happy relationships.
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Saturday, September 10, 2016

6 Signs Of A Cheating Partner

Some Signs of a Cheating Partner 

Dealing with cheating in marriage is very difficult. Infidelity is a very cruel act that pierces the cheated partner to the marrow. If you would like to nip things in the bud, you should learn some of the signs of a cheating partner.
Many people think that the most effective way of dealing with infidelity is to confront their partners with the issue. Unfortunately, doing this is just more likely to drive your relationship in a fast downward spiral that may end the relationship for good. It is better to lay strategies to catch your partner, which is why you should be aware of the signs of a cheating partner in the first place.
Here are some of the important signs that you should be aware of. You need to catch a cheating partner early to be able restore your relationship to its original state.
1. Unusually attractive looks
If you take a look back at the early stages when you were courting, you will most likely find that your partner used to be very attractive. Perhaps the passage of time has made your partner not to bother about appearance. Therefore, one of the signs of your partner cheating is when there are sudden smashing looks. It may indicate that your partner is seeking the attention of someone else.
2. Change in behavior
Another of the signs of he/she cheating is when you are suddenly treated differently. This will tend to happen naturally as a result of the emotional changes.
3. Unusually common overtime
One of the signs of your partner cheating is when there seems to be too much work all the time, requiring almost constant 'overtime.' This trend will tend to get more frequent as the cheating partner becomes bolder.
4. Telephone attitude
In many cases, infidelity takes place over the phone. So, here's another signs of a cheating partner is that he/she seems to grow more secretive with telephone conversations.
5. Lack of interest in sex
When your partner is attracted to another person, it follows that there will be less intimacy between you. If you can trace when changes started appearing in your sex life, chances are that you will be able determine the beginning of infidelity in your relationship.
6. Unusual items
If you are often away, your partner may get bold enough and bring the new lover to your home. As a result, some signs of your partner cheating on you are items that do not belong to you. If you would like to catch a cheating partner, you should ask about the items as you watch your partner's reaction closely. This will give you some important hints.
These are some of the important signs of a cheating partner. Although some people will try to be very secretive, you will still be able to catch him/her if you pay close attention.
Catch cheating partner? Suspect your partner is having an affair behind your back? Are you disturbed by the possibility of your partner cheating on you? Discover the best informative guides and detailed software available that can immediately help you start your own investigation without anyone else knowing about it. Get free information by visiting catch a cheating partner or how to save my marriage
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Saturday, August 27, 2016

Catch Your Cheating Partner

How To Catch A Cheating Partner

How to catch a cheating partner? - There are many ways and some of them are highlighted here. The most miserable and devastating experience in one's personal life is being cheated. What makes it worse is not being sure whether the partner is really cheating. Suspicions about a cheating partner will lead a person to feel sick in the stomach, emotionally exhausted, sexual neglect and lowered self-esteem. These can be overcome when an effort is made to catch the cheating partner.
If infidelity is suspected in the relationship through intuition -a gift given to human -, which is most powerful, even though intuition alone is not enough to catch a cheating partner.
Instead of living the day-to-day life emotionally broken down, followed by physical neglect and abused emotionally by the partner, it is better to identify ways to make sure that the partner is cheating. Few creative investigations will lead to finding the truth. Private investigators can be hired to follow the partner and confirm whether the partner is cheating or not. This process is little bit expensive but self-investigation work needs time and be prepared to face the results and the truths emerging from the investigation.
Scrutinizing the shared credit card and reports is one of the methods to find out the truth. Suspicious charges found in the monthly credit card statements can help in identifying and catching the cheating partner. Clues can be identified through phone bills whether the partner is cheating or not. Calls made frequently to unrecognised numbers will provide a vital clue to catch a cheating partner. The result may indicate a new phone number acquired by a friend or relative unknown to one of the partners or the partner is cheating and it is the phone number of the person with whom the partner is having an affair. Confronting the partner bluntly about the suspicious or unexplained charges found in the credit card report is another method to catch a cheating partner.
Lot of questions seeking explanations is yet another way to catch the cheating partner. Paying attention carefully to details will lead to picking up inconsistencies in the information given by the partner. By highlighting the frequent inconsistencies in their replies, which contradict some earlier statement, will lead to catch the cheating partner.
Finding the truth will help to catch a cheating partner even though the process is emotionally painful.
A new one of a kind, no holds barred guide reveals the little know yet super effective secrects on how to catch a cheating partner quickly & easily - guaranteed to work for anyone! Click on How To Catch A Cheating Partner [] to download catching a cheating partner guide now!
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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Cheating Partner? Revenge is not the Answer! Here's Why

There is an old saying that goes, If you are looking for revenge, dig two graves!

4 Reasons Why Revenge Is Not the Best Way to Deal With Your Cheating Partner

Revenge is never the most ideal way to get back at your cheating partner. In some countries, spouses are even pardoned for shooting a cheating partner if he sees them in bed together.
It is important that you keep your emotions and wits in check once you found out that you've been a victim of an untrustworthy relationship. There are better ways to move on, instead of just focusing on your anger and frustration. Here are some great tips.
1. Revenge Does Not End the Cycle
Revenge will not stop a cheat partner from repeating the deed. If you want to save your marriage, a cheating partner will find your revenge as a justificatory act that it was only right that he cheated on you. Provide the impression that you have been a good and faithful spouse and let him realize that it was his mistake that caused all the problems and confusion.
Taking revenge on your partner will only make things worse. He might even try to get back at you again by cheating more. Revenge does not exact justice to both parties and the habit will not end once your cheating partner feels that you have already equaled what he has done.
2. Revenge Puts You Down
Most partners admit that they do not feel good after taking revenge on their partner. Others even feel the need to find more ways to hurt the cheating party. Revenge does not make you feel good in any way, since cheating is usually not mended independently.
Even after taking revenge, a lot of spouses find themselves crying and feeling desperate day by day. The hurt feelings are not erased by the act of vengeance and you might even feel more depressed by the fact that you reacted as immaturely by getting back. It is the cheating partner that should suffer emotionally, not you.
3. Revenge Invites Other People In
Depending on the type of revenge that you did, other people might get involved, especially the cheating partner's family and friends. Regardless of the cheating, we can say that the cheating partner is never really wrong in the eyes of his loved ones.
Taking revenge will only ignite anger and resentment from other people. Instead, try to aim getting their sympathy for the wrong that your partner did. Let them hurl him the details so he will be the one feeling bad and remorseful. You can also get more support and allies by not taking revenge, since everybody knows that you did nothing wrong.
4. Revenge Ends the Relationship
Most spouses, after taking revenge, feel that there's no more chance to save the marriage. Both partners will start to resent each other since they both have hurt feelings and do not want to be in a position to apologize.
Revenge will mean that you wish to end the relationship and there's no peaceful solution that can be accomplished through communication and understanding. If you still want to save your marriage, find more peaceful ways to settle the problem.
Time To Act:
Bust Infidelity
Stop being the victim, stop living in self-denial, stop living in pain, stop living in agony and stop living in self-pity.
Be bold and take the first step in confronting the truth even if the truth is ugly and not what you want to know.
Now is the time for you to act. Whether you want to confirm your fears or catch your partner or spouse cheating on you with evidence, I can help you.
CLICK HERE To Get Instant Access To FREE TIPS To Catch A Cheating Partner.
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Friday, August 19, 2016

Cheating Spouses ALWAYS Make Mistakes!!!!

The 3 Mistakes That Can Be Made by a Cheating Spouse

Are you suspecting that your spouse is cheating on you and you want to catch him/her? Well, a man or woman who is cheating will have the tendency to make certain mistakes. This is to your advantage since you will be able to catch your partner whenever he/she make a mistake. Here is a list of 3 mistakes they can possibly make.

Mistake #1 Change In The Way They Look
When a man or woman is cheating on his/her partner, they may feel energized. They will also have this desire to please their secret lover. Therefore, it is not abnormal to see them trying to dress up in order to look younger. Of course, this does not necessary mean your spouse is cheating on you. However, it is still a warning sign that you should take note of. After all, if these changes are quite unusual, there must be something going on in the mind of your husband/wife.

Mistake #2 There Are Always Not Around When You Need Him/Her
When a person thinks his wife is cheating on him, he will usually call her on the phone just to check what she is doing and where she is. A very big mistake that a cheater can make is that she doesn't pick up the phone. Instantly, this arouses the suspicion of her husband. If she had pick up the phone and just give any excuses, she could have gotten away from cheating for a much longer time.

Mistake #3 Boasting About The Affair
Sometimes, a cheater is so engrossed with the affair that she thinks she will never get caught. Therefore, she begins to slacken in her effort to hide the affair. Instead of meeting at a secret place with her lover, she will meet him at a public place instead. Because of that, her friends or colleagues will discover the affairs and begin to talk about it. Because of all these gossips flying around, it is only sooner or later that the husband find out about the affair.
The mistakes that we have discussed above are just a few of the possible mistakes that can be made by a cheating spouse. If you believe that your partner may be cheating, you can try to observe your partner and see whether he/she makes those mistakes.

Signs of a Cheating Partner []
Is your spouse displaying these top 10 signs of cheating? Visit the site below to find out more. You will also discover how to gather concrete and irrefutable evidence fast without being discovered.
Signs of a Cheating Partner []
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Look for the signs of a cheating spouse

Thursday, August 04, 2016

Why Not Try To Forgive Your Cheating Partner

Forgiving is hard, but if you want to save your relationship, surviving infidelity is possible!

How to Forgive a Cheating Partner

A cheating partner is a relationship and self esteem killer but if he is not a habitual cheater then it may be possible to forgive him. Forgiving a cheating partner does not mean that you let him off the hook for the cheating neither does it mean that you give him a license to continue cheating on you. That is not forgiveness but impunity on his part and heartache breeding foolishness on your part. So how do you forgive a cheating partner?
i. Decide on what you are going to do. You must now take an honest and candid look at your partner and yourself, and then make up your mind what you will do. Do not act until you have decided one way or the other.
a. Determine if he has given up his cheating ways. To forgive a cheating partner you must know that he is remorseful about what he has done, he has stopped cheating on you and he has changed his behavior so that he doesn't place himself in temptations way. This is the critical foundational step to help you forgive a cheating partner as it allows you to know that he has put the despicable behavior behind him. When you know that the cheating is completely behind him then you can now start to put it behind you by forgiving him. If you are not sure whether the cheating is behind him or not then you are unable to put it behind you since in a way it is still part of your relationship today even if only in your mind. If he has not given up his cheating ways then how can you forgive him for something that he clearly enjoys and continues to do? You cannot put his cheating in the past when he continues in it today. You must be completely convinced in your mind and heart that he has changed his behavior in-order for you to be able to forgive him.
b. Determine if you are willing and able to forgive him. To forgive a cheating partner you must look inside of yourself and decide whether you want to forgive your partner and whether you are strong enough to let it go. Are you willing to accept and live with what he has done, who the cheating has revealed him to be and the real state of your relationship? Be as honest with yourself as possible as that is the only way you will have the strength and determination to forgive him.
ii. Put the cheating in the past. Now that you have made up your mind that you want to forgive him you must now let go of the infidelity. To put the cheating in the past a number of things must happen;
a. You must decide that you will not take your revenge. Granted you are hurt and angry but to forgive a cheating partner you must stop hurting him with your words, deeds, sarcasm and negativity. Yes he messed up but if you want to move away from the infidelity then you must stop the punishment. Stop keeping the infidelity alive by your disapproval; in whatever form it takes.
b. Stop thinking about the infidelity all the time. True your initial reaction will be to obsess about the infidelity and for your mind to run through all the what-if's that you can think of but you need to focus your mind on the new things happening in your life today.
c. Hold him accountable in his new behavior. Whatever you agreed that he would do to win your trust you must ensure that he keeps his word. He must do what is necessary to help you regain your trust in him so that your suspicions do not take you back into the past.
iii. Enjoy life again! To forgive a cheating partner you must now start enjoying life again. Live life to the full today without the weight of the infidelity. Focus on what is great and beautiful in your life and relationship and revel in them.
To forgive infidelity requires you to take all the three steps as each step is necessary in the journey to forgiveness. And it is a journey that will take time so don't lose heart but keep doing the right thing until your emotions follow your deeds and you can get to the last step where you smile again.
However if you are simply suspicious about his cheating then use these signs of a cheating partner to help you know whether he is really cheating on you but if you are unsure your relationship can be saved then use these signs of a bad relationship to decide.
Rosy Anderson is a researcher in social economic issues and the way they affect decision making; and she enjoys writing and being in healthy, happy relationships.
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Sunday, July 31, 2016

So Where Do Spouses Cheat?

3 Favorite Places for Your Cheating Spouse to Cheat: Catch a Cheater Now 

What are the favorite places a cheating spouse likes to cheat?
Ever wonder that?
I don't know anything about fishing, but I've watched a few shows (big stress on "few") on fishing to know that fish tend to hang out at certain spots in a lake either because there's an abundance of food or it's safe. And just like fish cheaters don't have the freedom to just chill out wherever they want. So to catch a cheater you have to think like a cheater. Cheaters' fishing holes aren't always at secret cheap motels and other tough to get places. Some cheating spots are closer than you'd think.
So the question is: Do you WANT to know where you can "hook" your cheating spouse today or not?
3 Places Your Cheating Spouse Will Likely Cheat
Then again any time spent with a married woman is awful! (And I do not mean just because there are plenty of single fish in the sea, but that's for another time.) The experience at least allows me to help you move on with your life to uncover the ugly truth that your spouse is off swimming with some other smelly, slimy fish (yes, pun is intended here).
1. The Car
This fishing hole provides plenty of dark, juicy secrets. Your spouse's car is abundant with evidence. You just have to be there when the water is warm. Here's the evidence your cheating husband or wife's car will contain at some point.
  • Gifts for their lover.
  • Supplies to leave at their lover's home. (sexy lingerie, lubricants, candles, shower caps, body wash, perfume, body splash, make up, shampoo- you get the idea)
  • Supplies to use for a date. (sexy lingerie, lubricants, candles, their lover's favorite snacks, games, sports equipment)
  • Clothes to change into for their date and out of back into their work clothes.
  • Love letters for their lover.
  • Love letters from their lover.
  • Strands of hair from their lover.
  • Receipts for gifts.
  • Receipts from dates.
  • Cameras with pics from their dates.
  • Their lover's shoes.
  • Suitcases for quick getaways.
  • Make up.
The car is also the place where the majority of their phone conversations take place.
2. The Bedroom/Master Bathroom
When the spouse is away the fish will play (or something like that). Yes, when there is no murky water to float around in to hide their secrets some cheaters are so desperate they will actually do their junk in YOUR bedroom. (I never did this, but I have heard and read about it.) But try as they might some fish cannot evade being caught by sharks (you). Even the slimiest and most evasive fish leave evidence of their stinky activity.
When you are at work or on a trip the bedroom provides a spot for the fish to swim around in and get all crazy. Here is some activity that your lovely spouse takes part in inside your bedroom with their lover or evidence they leave behind.
Activities the Cheaters Participate in Here
  • Skype conversations
  • Text conversations (sometimes when you are with them.)
  • Phone conversations
  • Sexting
  • Kinky video chat
  • Sex itself (of course)
  • Kinky sex in the shower
  • Naked massages
  • Lay together and watch TV
  • Play games (board and video)
Evidence the Cheaters Leave Behind Here
  • Pubic hairs in shower
  • Their lover's hair in shower and bed
  • Semen on sheets
  • Semen in shower, bathroom floor, bedroom floor, sink
  • Semen in undergarments and clothing
  • Brief love letters (especially hot for your spouse's lover since they are treading on your territory)
  • Your spouse's perfume or cologne scents
  • Left behind socks
  • Left behind receipts from stores your spouse does not shop at
  • Gifts from their lover to your spouse (jewelry, clothes, candy, movies)
Pay attention to their personal items and anything new will stand out like a red flag. Look for anything fishy (no pun intended there).
3. The Home Office
Why do they keep getting up in the middle of the night to run off to the office? Well, it's not to work on their thesis or to get ahead on work projects. The home office is a treasure chest of secrets too, perhaps more so then the bedroom. If you notice bubbles surfacing to the top of the water by the home office don't be surprised if it's the two of them chatting away on the computer. Here are some activities and evidence the two love trouts participate in at the home office.
Activities the Cheaters Participate in Here
  • Lots of video chats.
  • Lots of Facebook IMing.
  • Lots of love emails.
  • Lots of phone conversations.
  • Old fashioned paper lover letter writing.
  • Other cell phone app communication.
Evidence the Cheaters Leave Behind Here
  • Obviously a shared computer and iPad is a major fishing hole for emails, videos and pictures.
  • Hidden written lover letters.
  • Documents of mutual bank accounts opened for the two of them (gives them a sense of being an actual couple.)
  • Receipts of dates or trips taken together
  • Actual print pictures.
  • Personal articles from their lover (they serve as souvenirs).
The home office is a place of refuge, a place to escape the real world and bond with their lover. You look hard enough and often enough you will find physical evidence.
If only you could barge in and catch them red-handed during their conversations.
Your stomach is sour. Your heart is aching. Why are they living a double life? You never dreamed this would happen in your worst nightmare, but the ugly truth is infidelity is on the rise and you are a victim.
Now you know the types of evidence to look for. But what now? Learn how and when to uncover your cheating spouse's tracks from this former cheater.
When you have some concrete cheating evidence what should you do next? This former betrayed spouse provides his suggestions that will save you from further disaster and pain.
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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Inspector Poirot Will Catch Your Cheating Partner

Hiring a Private Detective to Catch a Cheating Partner

These frequently asked questions should provide readers with an insight into some of the issues that have to be considered very carefully before choosing to hire a private detective to catch a cheating partner.
Hiring a Private detective
Is it ethical to hire a private investigator?
This is one of the most common concerns when contemplating hiring a private detective, especially when attempting to catch a cheating partner. If a secret affair could be described as duplicitous and deceitful, then how would we describe the act of secretly employing an investigator to monitor their every move?
Unfortunately for both us and our clients, cases in which initial suspicions prove true account for the vast majority of cheating partner investigations we deal with. In these cases, there is hardly a moral case to argue. Often, the suspecting spouse has given the cheating partner every opportunity to come clean about their affair, choosing only to turn to the help of a private detective when the cycle suspicion and denial continues. But that doesn't the decision to hire a private detective any easier.
In cases when the actions of a suspected cheating partner can be explained innocently, the ethical and moral case can seem less clear. But finding out that initial suspicions are unfounded can bring long lasting peace of mind. In these cases the suspecting party may chose to tell their loved one which aspects of behaviour caused suspicion in the first place, spurring them on to change their ways and help re-establish trust in the relationship
What steps can I take myself before hiring a private investigator?
If you're reading this article, the chances are that you already have strong suspicions that your partner is having an affair and feel that hiring a private detective might offer a solution. But how can you be sure that you've taken every step to offer your cheating partner to come clean? Confronting your partner may be enough to either confirm or allay your suspicions and these articles on the five signs of a cheating partner and how to catch a cheating partner will give you the information you need to get started. If you still have doubts after trying out all the tactics and the guide, it's time to call in a private investigator.
What if I get found out?
When investigating a suspected cheating partner it's important to choose the right private detective for the job. An experienced private investigator will have all the necessary experience and know-how to carry out surveillance effectively and discretely without compromising the client. Choosing the right private detective is one of the most important factors that will determine your success.
Do I really want to know the truth about my cheating partner?
You already know the answer to that question. Finding out the truth about a cheating partner can be one of the most devastating and heartbreaking moments that life can throw at you. For some couples the damage is irreparable but others learn to work through their differences, emerging from the trauma stronger and with a renewed sense of commitment. For an experienced an ethical private detective the work shouldn't end when the evidence has been gathered and presented to the client. Make sure your counsellor can put you in touch with a registered, experienced counsellor to help both parties make a new start and move on with life - whatever they decide to do.
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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Catch That Dirty Cheating Spouse Today!

How to Catch a Cheating Spouse

 So after reading our article "Indicators of Infidelity" you have determined that there are more than enough indicators to suspect that your spouse may be having an affair. Maybe they are hiding their cell phone and not allowing you to read emails or text messages. Perhaps they are constantly staying late after work more often than they use to, or coming home with a sweet smell of perfume or cologne on their clothing. Maybe the intimacy in your relationship has slacked off and your spouse is no longer appearing attracted to you. Whatever the many indicators you have received, now you want to prove it. This is a very touchy area so proceed forward with caution.

You may come right out and try to confront the cheater with your suspicions, which could end up in a full-blown argument that could possibly turn violent. What happens if there is actually a once in a lifetime explanation to your suspicions? Now you are back in an argument over trust related issues. It may be a better idea to make sure you have actual proof of a cheating spouse before you confront him/her, or before you make the decision to separate. Your situation can be more difficult when trying to divide up property, money, custody rights, alimony, etc, without proof of a cheating spouse.

Additionally, if you are going to try and bring forth a lawsuit for Alienation of Affection or Criminal Conversation, proof of an affair, especially before separation, is imperative that you obtain the proper proof of an affair. There are a few things you can do that will make your case stronger when bringing evidence before the court to prove that your spouse is unfaithful. Make sure you keep all documentation of all potential evidence you discover and write it down, including date and time of discovery. In law enforcement, one of the most important parts of our job was our report writing. We were trained over and over again, "if you don't right it down, it didn't happen." Obviously this is a figure of speech, but if you are going to present some evidence but cannot provide specifics, it may bear no merit when presented in court. Additionally, if you record some details, but later present other details you remember but you failed to document, this could come back and hurt your claim as well. Here are a few steps and tips you can use to help gather documentation of a cheating spouse: Keep a Journal: Obviously for the reasons mentioned above. Even if you don't have any solid proof your spouse was cheating, documenting suspicious behaviors over an extended period of time can help your claim. For instance, you may document the following journal entry: January 24, 2015 7:00PM John arrived home from work 2 hours late. John typically arrives home promptly at 5:00PM from work. John has been staying late at the office on many occasions over the last two weeks.

Additionally I noticed what appeared to be a faint odor of perfume on his shirt and a tan colored substance on his collar that appeared to be make-up. Do the Laundry: Whether you are accustomed to doing the laundry around the house or not, begin paying closer attention to your spouse's clothing as you are placing them in the washer. Look for any clues such as make up, cologne or perfume, "foreign substances," or even articles of clothing that you have not seen before that may have been gifts from the cheater's girlfriend or boyfriend. Again be sure to document anything unusual. (Tip: "a photo is worth a thousand words") Track their mileage: If you are able to be stealthy enough, start recording the mileage in their car. When (S)he comes home, write down the mileage on their car, if they have to "run out" at any time be sure to write down the ending mileage and casually ask where they had to go. If your spouse tells you they had to run into the office late at night, or had to run to the mall, and you calculated that their office or the mall is 8 miles away, but they drove 32 miles, they have 16 miles to explain for. (8 miles away plus 8 miles back equals 16 miles total). Write it down!

Check the Phone Bill: If you are a joint user on your cell phone account, and you have an online account, you can log in and look at all the incoming and outgoing telephone numbers. You can make note in your journal of any unusual numbers, dates and times of calls, and even try and use the free online white pages search to find out where the number comes back to. Look at the Bank Account: For the same reason as above, if you are a joint account holder, take a look at the expenditures and where they are being spent. Are there dinners that are being bought for more than one person that you did not attend? Are there purchases at clothing stores, gift stores, for the opposite sex and you did not receive the gift? Write it Down! Computer History: Lets face it, not all cheaters are the smartest.

Look at your computer's search history, you may find hotel room booking sites, social media account visits of the opposite sex, flower delivery order sites, and more. Check the Trash: I know this is not the most glamorous of search methods, but in my experience, you can learn more about a person from going through their trash than you can by searching their social media account. People throw things in the trash without thinking and automatically think that once it hits the can, it is gone forever. If you don't have access to bank or cell phone records, you may get lucky and find a bank statement, or cell phone statement. You may also find receipts for gifts and dinners, love notes, cards, used "family planning/prevention" equipment, and much more. Be sure to glove up, take photo's, and write it down! Surveillance: This is going to be tougher than it sounds.

For obvious reasons, you probably have a job and or kids that does not allow you to follow and conduct surveillance on your spouse to see where they are going and whom they are with. Not only do you not have time, but it is going to be awfully easy for your spouse to spot you in a crowd or on the road as (S)he will be familiar with your vehicle, voice, and walk. (S)he will already be cautious and on the look out for anyone that they may know seeing them out in public with another man or woman so you may want to leave this to the professionals.

Hidden Cameras: There are a few good companies online that provide high quality hidden cameras that you can put throughout your house if you wish to catch your spouse in the act. These cameras typically are not cheap so beware, especially if you only plan to use them once, it may be beneficial to hire a professional. Hire a Private Investigator: By far one of the best ways to prove a cheating spouse is to hire our private investigators. By hiring our professional private investigators, you can be sure to get documented, unaltered, unbiased facts to present to your attorney or a judge. A private investigators report can oftentimes bear more weight as evidence as it is not seen as being written or motivated out of personal gain. Obviously you will have to pay the investigator but your payment is for factual information that is not motivated by the results of civil or criminal judgment. Additionally, our professional investigators have access to many advanced resources and databases as well as technology that can help you prove your case faster and with more accuracy.

Our investigators can provide GPS tracking and document your spouses whereabouts 24 hours a day. We can also generate a historical playback of your spouses travel to include the date, time, and address of where (S)he has been. We have high quality digital cameras as well as covert cameras so we are well prepared in any environment (S)he may enter (nightclub, bar, restaurant, hotel, etc.). Our investigators are skilled at locating people, which can benefit you when you need to have a process served during your court procedures. Hiring a private investigator can save you a lot of time and headache when preparing for a separation and or divorce. Whether you decide to hire a private investigator or not, be sure you document, document, document, everything that you do, witness, and hear. It is the little details that matter the most when you are trying to prove a cheating spouse. You may never catch your spouse in the act of cheating but enough circumstantial evidence may be all you need to prove an unfaithful party to get you the post marital support you need and deserve. If you wish to hire a private investigator, we would love to sit down with you and discuss your needs and situation. Call The Gumshoe Group Corporation today and schedule your free, no obligation, consultation today! 919-999-7932 Article Source: Article Source:

Saturday, July 09, 2016

Technology And Cheating Spouses

How To Use Technology To Catch a Cheating Spouse

If you've suspected your spouse is cheating on you then you have two options, either you find the proof for yourself or you ask them outright.

Asking them outright might get to the bottom of their behavior once and for all, but do you have enough evidence to back up your accusation?

One way to do this is to use modern technology to catch them out once and for all, which ironically is often the medium cheating spouses use to cheat on their partners. But it's not as hard as you think, and you don't have to have a degree in computer science either. How they use their cell phone will be big indicator of what they are up to. They may change their tone of voice while speaking on the phone when you walk into a room. Or perhaps they seem to be phoning their friends more than usual, but they're using monotone answers like, "Yes", "No" or "OK" instead of making general conversation when they notice you're watching them.

 Have they changed the passwords on all their email accounts and blocked you out? They may have a very good reason for doing this, one way to find out is to ask them.

Most people find it uncomfortable to tell lies, so watch them closely and see how they react to your questioning. If they can't look you in the eye and look shifty then perhaps they're not being totally honest with you. If you suspect your partner of having an affair and using the computer to communicate with their lover, then you can check your computer's 'History' section. This will show you all the websites visited for a period of time, sometimes it's a week, often it's a few months depending on your browser. By searching through this list of websites visited you should be on the look for adult chat websites, pornographic websites, dating websites and so forth. It could also be that when you check the 'History' section on your computer that it has been completely cleared showing no previous websites at all. This can be a strong indicator of a spouse or partner who has something to hide.

It goes without saying before who do any of these actions you have to be very sure you can handle the truth when you find out for certain one way or the other. But you may find it's better to know one way or the other, than live your life always suspecting you're living with a cheat. To get more advice visit the Save My Marriage HQ website today to discover the secrets on how to save your marriage and enjoy a long-lasting happy relationship with your spouse. Article Source: Article Source:

Saturday, July 02, 2016

So How DID Your Spouse Turn Into A Cheati?

3 Signs of a Cheating Spouse, and How Did He/She Get That Way?

Nothing is worse than finding out from someone they saw your spouse with someone else. On top of the initial shock that hits you, it can be embarrassment and further damage your self-esteem. If you think your spouse is cheating on you, this article will help. First it will show you a pattern of how an affair starts.

Then there are 3 signs of a cheating spouse you can look out for  

How Someone Can Become a Cheating Spouse There is a pattern a marriage can go through that can give you a better idea of how your spouse ended up cheating on you.
An understanding of this means you can just about figure things out without having your cheating spouse explain first This pattern can happen over a period of time so noticing something earlier can also help if cheating hasn't occurred yet. Just fill in the blanks to see if it matches your situation.

First the marriage will start to go through some bumps in the road (lack of attention and needs). These bumps allow a spouse to have negative thoughts towards his/her spouse ( anger, jealousy, fear and even hatred). The spouse will allow these thoughts to control his/her actions (drinking, cussing, gambling, cheating on their spouse). All it takes is temptation from a sympathetic ear and it can spark an emotional affair to develop that can develop into a physical affair.

3 Signs of a Cheating Spouse

One way to detect a cheating spouse is by noticing some signs that are easy to detect. Look out for these signs to further substantiate your suspicions that your spouse might be cheating on you. There are many other signs to look for and you will be able to find them at the link I will provide later in this article.

1. The first sign is when your spouse claims he/she has new duties at work (Working late, dinner meetings, etc...) and your spouse will start working late or even going in earlier.

2.When you notice your spouse can't talk on the phone in front of you and takes the call in another room.

3. When your spouse is defensive or is giving vague answers about his/her activity or whereabouts during the day can indicate also a cheating spouse because your spouse is going out of his/her way to withhold information from you.

I hope this helps you answer some questions you have about signs of a cheating spouse. Of course there is many other things to figure out and if you are interested then go to the link at the end of this article. You have to give your spouse plenty of attention especially during hard times so he/she doesn't end up a cheating spouse. Also you want to watch out for signs of a cheating spouse because it will be the little things you miss that will give them away every time.
3 Signs of a Cheating Spouse and How He/She Get That Way is a look into negative self-talk and how it effects the marriage, a device used to explain how a marriage is still salvageable after an affair. If you want to survive an affair then click to go here []. Article Source: Article Source:

Friday, July 01, 2016

Marriage And Infidelity! Do you Want To kNow the TRuth?

Infidelity In Marriage - Cheating Spouses - Do You Want To Catch Them?

Think about this for a moment.... after long, hard hours at work for the past two weeks. Your boss calls you into their office and as you are thinking what have I done now. Your boss congratulates you on a job well done. The reward for this is; a substantial bonus and some well-deserved time off for rest and relaxation, and for the R & R to start immediately which means you only work a half a day. Knowing you have not spent a lot of quality time with your spouse. You leave work eager to tell your spouse of the great news and to surprise them with a romantic evening together with dinner, dancing and then desert. All you can do on the way home is to think about the look on your spouse face when you surprise them with the news. When you left in the morning you thought you would be working late tonight but plans change. As you pull up to the driveway you notice a familiar looking BMW car in your driveway. Not thinking much about it you proceed to the front and remember the front door is jammed and is being repaired so you go in through the back door. As you approach the back door you look up to disbelief... you see your spouse and your best friend on the kitchen floor passionately grinding and having their way with each other, having sex. So much so they do not even notice you standing and watching them. Cheating Spouses!

WOW... Ok, you now have your proof. You didn't want to believe this may be the outcome but it is. For all the time and effort you have spent on a suspicion, it has finally come to this. Proof you have a cheating spouse. How did you get to this point? What did you do to find out there is infidelity in your marriage.

You started to get suspicion when you noticed your cheating spouse spending a great amount of time on the computer when you are asleep. Or your spouse creates a new e-mail account and did not tell you anything about it. And you find strands of a different hair color on the front seat of his or her car. You become more curious when you notice a sudden buying of new clothes and under garments. These were just some of the signs that perked your interest while you started to become more observant. Then you really became intrigued when you would get phone calls at home and when you answer the phone the person would hang up when they hear your voice. You found birth-control pills or condoms when you know you cannot have children. And you noticed your spouse stops wearing their wedding ring. These are the signs that made you feel infidelity in marriage is going on within your marriage. Now it is time to be sure, what do you do?

First, DO NOT confront the cheating spouse without proof, it will be hard to get to the truth without the proof. The way to get the proof is to start writing down the things you notice to be odd concerning your partner. Dates, times, conversations considering infidelity in marriage is usually based on a lie... stories will change. Review cell phone records for any repeated calls incoming and outgoing. Usually a cheating spouse will put the name of the person who they are cheating with under a different name. On that note an unfamiliar number and a phone number that is being call numerous times throughout the day, would do more to set off bells and whistles, than just a name in their contact list. The element of surprise is an excellent way to go for proof. Come home early when your spouse thinks you're working late, or go to their office for a surprise lunch. Watch how your spouse co-workers interact with you and document what you see and if the spouse is at work or not. Are the co-workers nervous around you because the spouse is the last to know about an office affair? Set up monitor software on your computer to monitor websites visited, chat rooms entered and emails sent. And last but not least use video cameras or hire a private investigator which would be the fastest and easiest way to get the hard evidence you need. You may ask yourself if this is morally right. I say you need to do whatever it takes for your peace of mind. If you do not investigate the signs you see you will regret it if you find out later that you have a cheating spouse.

Alright, you have your evidence that your spouse is cheating. What do you do next? Either you do nothing and wait for the right moment or confront them. Remember the cheating spouse may very well deny everything until they see the evidence. Even then they will be in denial and try to blame you for their action, do not fall for that. We all must be accountable for OUR OWN actions and behavior. When you start to present your evidence, don't show all your evidence at that time. Hold back on showing all of what you have. The reason why is most cheating spouses will create their story to fit the evidence presented and when you have more evidence then they know about then the likelihood of them getting caught in a lie would be even greater.

Do you need to know what the signs are of a cheating spouse? Do you need some information on how to handle infidelity? Keep reading you will find articles that will help to get you through these hard times. If you need some guidance on how to get through Infidelity and save your marriage go to Article Source: Article Source:

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Here Are 5 Signs Your Spouse Is Cheating

A really good article from Orlando, watch the car!!!!!!

5 Signs of a Cheating Spouse: Clues in the Car 

So you want to catch your cheating spouse easily? Then the most important thing you must know is all cheaters leave traces of evidence. Try as they might to cover their tracks, a cheating spouse will eventually grow tired of being extra careful and leave clues behind. Are you prepared to search for evidence of your cheating husband/wife? You have to be emotionally tough because you may not be able to stomach what you find. It can be a heart-wrenching experience to uncover the disgusting details of your disloyal husband or wife. If you think you are ready than let's get started. The car of your cheating spouse can reveal many clues. It is important to note that signs of cheating are not the same as actually catching a cheater. Be wary of circumstantial evidence as prematurely accusing your spouse of betrayal without the proper proof could end up disastrous. Although how to catch a cheater is the second step let's begin with uncovering signs of cheating in the car.

1. The Odometer. The mileage on a car can tell you a lot about your cheating spouse. Do they claim they are at work, out with their friends, running a spontaneous errand or going away on a business trip? Knowing the approximate mileage to their claimed destination is the first step and then comparing the mileage on the odometer afterwards can uncover if they are telling you the truth or not.  

2. The Car Seat. Long hairs that obviously don't belong to you, perfume or cologne scents that have no business being in the car are good signs you have a cheating spouse. Other clues are the seat being moved out of its normal position, the shade facing down on the passenger side or even something falling out of a pocket or purse. What personal items can you find that do not belong to your spouse? Check for any left behind pens, receipts, keys or make up.

 3. The Glove Compartment. It's easy to place personal items here, but often hard to remember you put them there. Either your cheating spouse or their pathetic lover could easily fall victim to leaving behind clues by forgetting things in the glove compartment of the car. What types of items are often abandoned in this part of the vehicle? Often you can recover receipts from out-of-the-way gas stations, perfume or jewelry stores, movie theaters or restaurants? So he/she claimed to be at work? Then why do they have a receipt from a restaurant from that same day? You could find other items such as glasses, keys, make up, PHONES, phone numbers, love letters or even wallets! The key to remember again about catching a cheating spouse is they eventually get lazy. It wears them out to constantly be conscious of covering their tracks. They WILL leave clues at some point. Be PERSISTENT in searching for evidence of cheating. 

4. The Trunk. Have you ever been in a hurry and just thrown things into the trunk? You have, right? Chances are your cheating spouse or their lover will too. Perhaps during their little rendezvous to the beach or park they forgot to remove their bag full of supplies, you might even find a gift or package meant to soon be delivered to your cheating husband or wife's lover. Maybe they went to the mall and your husband's girlfriend didn't feel like hauling around her purse so she dropped it in the trunk then forgot to pick it up later. It's not impossible? Your cheating wife might be about to lend her boyfriend your tools! And where is she going to move them to the night before heading over to see him on a supposed "late work night"? You got it! The trunk of the car.

 5. The Windows/ Door Handles. The primary piece of evidence you will be searching for here is finger prints. Purchase a finger print dusting kit and you can find many prints all over the inside and outside of the windows and door handles (not to mention the trunk door and top of the car). I would venture to say that most likely this is the piece of evidence that will be neglected more times than not. Once you have a suspicion that your husband or wife is cheating then it is vital that you learn the many different forms of clues to research. The car is one of the best places to look as there is a good chance that your cheating spouse will use it to transport their boyfriend or girlfriend. Now that you know some of the signs of a cheating husband or wife see how to catch a cheater in a lie. Have you ever wondered how you can actually set a trap to catch a cheating spouse? You will be surprised how easy it can be. Article Source: Article Source: