Sunday, August 10, 2008

how to catch a cheating spouse

An interesting article on how to catch a cheating spouse titled - Catch A Cheater - 4 Ways That Work by Tim Denio
Catch a Cheater

Do you have suspicions that your spouse is cheating on you? This is the first sign that indicates the possibility that your partner does cheat on you. Never, never silence your gut feeling. The majority of people are intuitive and you will "know" just about the same time that things have changed even if there is nothing to put a finger on. If you have the slightest feeling that infidelity is involved and you want to know the truth, the most important rule is to keep it to yourself. It is very difficult to catch a cheater as it is; it is even harder if he knows that you have developed suspicions about him.

From the moment the feeling that he is not true to you enters your mind and heart, you need to make yourself understand that all the basic rules on which a relationship is founded are suspended. The saying, "All is fair in love and war." is fully applicable here. Forget that trust is the key of a relationship and suspend any guilty feelings that you might develop when you verify his stories, check his phone, drop in unexpected at his office when he is doing overtime, etc. You need to deal with the truth head on; and for that you need to have the truth in black and white or your partner will never agree that he is indeed cheating on you.

How do you find the truth?

Be prepared for a long and arduous journey. Infidelity is easier to deal with when compared to "setting traps" for your spouse. This is a classic situation where the victim feels more guilty than the perpetrator of the crime. You need to steel yourself to take certain actions that would give you proof of your man's adultery and that is not going to be easy. Be prepared for the emotional upheaval that would assail you when you set out to catch a cheater spouse or partner. Also, keep your eyes open for the truth as it is, not as you would like to see or hear it. You will find that at a certain point of time you will make excuses for him; this is because the infidelity is a very painful blow to your ego, to your trust, to your love and therefore you would be tempted to camouflage the truth to convince yourself that you are not betrayed. Here are four concrete steps that will give you the truth:

1. Join the game - he will not tell you the truth and expect you to believe him. Show him you do. Drop by his office with an elaborate meal when he says he is working late. Invite the friends he mixes with over, and so on.

2. Keep records - start keeping records. Write down everything he says, dates, times, etc. This will be invaluable to you when the jigsaw puzzle falls into place. He will not remember all his lies and will insinuate you misunderstood; the records would stand you good when you confront him.

3. Monitoring is okay - do not feel guilty to monitor the whereabouts of your spouse. In most cases, this is the only way you can get concrete proof and catch a cheater partner red handed. The best would be spy cameras at home, automatic voice activated calls recorder (hidden), computer log monitoring software, etc. Remember, you need proof undisputable proof before you confront him.

4. Pay attention to weekends - this is the time when the adultery is most rampant. The best would be to follow him yourself when he leaves home during the weekends. You could ask a close friend to help, or you could use professional services.

Collect your evidence and before you confront him and be emotionally prepared for the outcome. As I said it is easier to find out if your partner is cheating, than it is to handle the consequences of this devastating truth.

About the Author

If you want to end your suspicions and know with certainty if your spouse is being unfaithful, then discover the proven methods that will help you catch your cheating spouse at

how to catch a cheating spouse

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