Whether you have a cheating husband or a cheating wife, the signs are usually the same. Check this article below for all the classic signs of a cheating spouse.
Is Your Spouse Cheating? - 21 Ways You Can Tell
An infidelity expert reveals 21 ways to spot a cheating spouse. If you suspect your spouse of cheating on you and want to find out the truth, you need to check the 21 areas of concern listed below. These 21 areas of interest correspond to the 21 categories of infidelity signs covered in Is He Cheating on You - 829 Telltale Signs, and apply to cheating women as well as cheating men.
A cheating spouse will express a sudden desire to look more attractive. He or she will begin to enhance or upgrade their appearance in some way. So if your spouse suddenly embarks on a drastic makeover, it's probably to impress the Other Woman or the Other Man. There are at least 76 different changes in wardrobe, grooming habits, and personal hygiene which indicate your spouse may be having an extramarital affair.
Your spouse's involvement with someone else will cause him or her to treat you differently -- even on a subconscious level - in over 70 different ways. This is an area where the betrayed spouse who knows what to look for, can spot signs of infidelity that even a private investigator might overlook.
What a cheating spouse chooses or refuses to talk about can alert you that he or she is having an extramarital affair. They may mention new people, places or things, while the people, places and things they used to talk about are no longer a part of their conversation. There are 70 conversational clues you can listen for can will give you valuable information about your spouse's affair. .
Cheating spouses often use work-related excuses to account for large blocks of time away from home. Working late is the most common cover for an extramarital affair. A change in your spouse's work habits can also indicate that your spouse is involved in a workplace affair, so familiarize yourself with the 39 work-related telltale signs.
We all have a routine that we usually follow each day. A cheating spouse will often display a dozen or more of the 92 deviations from their normal pattern of behavior. These deviations are important telltale signs.
Affairs cost money. A cheating husband will wine and dine his mistress, entertain her and buy her flowers and gifts. A cheating wife will also buy her lover occasional gifts and spend more money than usual to keep herself looking good. These are just a few of the 52 financially-related telltale signs.
Travel gives the cheating spouse an opportunity to cheat far from the sight of prying eyes. There are 27 travel-related signs of infidelity including bogus business trips and legitimate business travel that combines a little pleasure on the side. If your spouse's trips occur more frequently or last much longer than usual, these could be telltale signs.
If your spouse is cheating, there will be noticeable changes in their attitude, personality or behavior. Knowing what to look for is the key. Ranging from drastic to subtle, there are 36 changes of this type which can indicate infidelity.
Affairs usually require an investment of time. A cheating spouse's absences will become noticeable in 39 different ways, as they steal time away from other activities spend with their lover.
Extramarital affairs depend on repeated contact; much of which takes place by phone. Countless cheating spouses have been exposed, either directly or indirectly, by one or more of the 76 telephone tip-offs of infidelity.
A cheating spouse's car can contain a wealth of telltale signs. Between the glove compartment, car seats, tire well, visor, ashtray, floor mats and other nooks and crannies, there are at least 40 signs of infidelity a knowledgeable spouse can find.
Be alert for changes of any kind in the frequency or quality of your sex life together. If you spot one of the 37 sex-related signs of infidelity which indicate an extramarital affair, take steps to protect yourself. You could be at risk for HIV/AIDS or some other sexually- transmitted disease.
A cheating spouse's eating habits can be heavily influenced or affected by his or her lover in 31 different ways. Yet, this is the most overlooked category of telltale signs. A cheating spouse may develop a preference for the type of food their lover eats, the way their lover likes their food prepared, or the kind of restaurants where their lover likes to eat.
Each person has a unique smell or taste, which often goes unnoticed until it's replaced with something else. There are at least 21 signs of infidelity associated with your sense of smell or taste. Your spouse's kisses may taste different. There may be unfamiliar odors on their clothing. Or perhaps something in your home or car just doesn't smell "right."
It's not uncommon for cheating spouse to invite their lover to their home. And the lover may inadvertently, or even deliberately, leave personal items behind. At least 22 different signs of infidelity could turn up in your bedroom, bathroom, living room or other areas of your home if the Other Woman or Other Man has been there while you were away.
Be especially alert around the times of the year when gifts are usually exchanged -- like Christmas or Valentine's Day. If you know what to look for, you can find any of 19 gift-related signs of infidelity in your home or car, including incriminating receipts and credit card bills.
A computer savvy cheating spouse will use the computer to stay in touch with his or her lover. Finding several of the 30 computer-related signs of infidelity can mean your spouse is having an online or internet affair. Don't underestimate cyber cheating because it can pose a serious threat to your marriage.
Cell phones make it easier for a cheating spouse to conceal his or her affair. But they also make it easier to get caught. If your spouse uses a cell phone, pager or similar device to call, text message, or otherwise communicate with their lover, the affair can be exposed in 28 different ways.
Many times, physical proof of infidelity is just waiting to be found among a cheating spouse's personal possessions. When you check pockets, purses, wallets, desk or dresser drawers, closets, tool boxes, or jewelry cases for signs of infidelity, you'll be surprised at how many of the 32 kinds of physical evidence you can find.
Studies show that a cheating spouse is most likely to have an affair with someone they already know -- a neighbor, co-worker, business associate or family friend. If you know what to look for, there are 71 signs of infidelity that can help you determine the identity of the Other Woman or Other Man The way they act around each other will give them away.
There are 57 kinds of slip-ups or disclosures that could accidentally expose a cheating spouse. A slip of the tongue on the part of the cheater or someone he or she knows, could inadvertently expose an extramarital affair.
If you're not sure what specific signs to look for in each of the 21 areas mentioned above, a good infidelity reference book can help. While there are many infidelity books on the market, Is He Cheating on You? - 829 Telltale Signs is the only infidelity one that lists practically every known sign of infidelity, including the subtle signs people usually overlook. There's an entire chapter devoted to each of the 21 categories of infidelity signs. So if your spouse is cheating, you don't have to be the last to know.
There are several other important things you should know about signs of infidelity, especially if you're trying to catch a cheating spouse. Some of these vital, but little known facts about signs of infidelity often come as a surprise, even to people who consider themselves knowledgeable about cheating spouses and extramarital affairs. For a FREE tip sheet entitled "10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Signs of Infidelity", e-mail InfidelityInfo@gmail.com with the words "10 Things-atp" in the subject line.
About the Author:
Infidelity expert Ruth Houston is the founder of www.InfidelityAdvice.com and the author of "Is He Cheating on You?-829 Telltale Signs". Ruth has been quoted in USA Today, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times and numerous others, and has been a guest on The Today Show, CNN, Fox News, NBC News, and over 320 radio and TV shows worldwide. For more information about infidelity, cheating spouses or extramarital affairs, visit InfidelityAdvice.com or Ruth's blog at http://infidelitynewsandviews.blogspot.com To interview Ruth Houston, call 718 592-6039 or e-mail InfidelityExpert@gmail.com
A cheating spouse will express a sudden desire to look more attractive. He or she will begin to enhance or upgrade their appearance in some way. So if your spouse suddenly embarks on a drastic makeover, it's probably to impress the Other Woman or the Other Man. There are at least 76 different changes in wardrobe, grooming habits, and personal hygiene which indicate your spouse may be having an extramarital affair.
Your spouse's involvement with someone else will cause him or her to treat you differently -- even on a subconscious level - in over 70 different ways. This is an area where the betrayed spouse who knows what to look for, can spot signs of infidelity that even a private investigator might overlook.
What a cheating spouse chooses or refuses to talk about can alert you that he or she is having an extramarital affair. They may mention new people, places or things, while the people, places and things they used to talk about are no longer a part of their conversation. There are 70 conversational clues you can listen for can will give you valuable information about your spouse's affair. .
Cheating spouses often use work-related excuses to account for large blocks of time away from home. Working late is the most common cover for an extramarital affair. A change in your spouse's work habits can also indicate that your spouse is involved in a workplace affair, so familiarize yourself with the 39 work-related telltale signs.
We all have a routine that we usually follow each day. A cheating spouse will often display a dozen or more of the 92 deviations from their normal pattern of behavior. These deviations are important telltale signs.
Affairs cost money. A cheating husband will wine and dine his mistress, entertain her and buy her flowers and gifts. A cheating wife will also buy her lover occasional gifts and spend more money than usual to keep herself looking good. These are just a few of the 52 financially-related telltale signs.
Travel gives the cheating spouse an opportunity to cheat far from the sight of prying eyes. There are 27 travel-related signs of infidelity including bogus business trips and legitimate business travel that combines a little pleasure on the side. If your spouse's trips occur more frequently or last much longer than usual, these could be telltale signs.
If your spouse is cheating, there will be noticeable changes in their attitude, personality or behavior. Knowing what to look for is the key. Ranging from drastic to subtle, there are 36 changes of this type which can indicate infidelity.
Affairs usually require an investment of time. A cheating spouse's absences will become noticeable in 39 different ways, as they steal time away from other activities spend with their lover.
Extramarital affairs depend on repeated contact; much of which takes place by phone. Countless cheating spouses have been exposed, either directly or indirectly, by one or more of the 76 telephone tip-offs of infidelity.
A cheating spouse's car can contain a wealth of telltale signs. Between the glove compartment, car seats, tire well, visor, ashtray, floor mats and other nooks and crannies, there are at least 40 signs of infidelity a knowledgeable spouse can find.
Be alert for changes of any kind in the frequency or quality of your sex life together. If you spot one of the 37 sex-related signs of infidelity which indicate an extramarital affair, take steps to protect yourself. You could be at risk for HIV/AIDS or some other sexually- transmitted disease.
A cheating spouse's eating habits can be heavily influenced or affected by his or her lover in 31 different ways. Yet, this is the most overlooked category of telltale signs. A cheating spouse may develop a preference for the type of food their lover eats, the way their lover likes their food prepared, or the kind of restaurants where their lover likes to eat.
Each person has a unique smell or taste, which often goes unnoticed until it's replaced with something else. There are at least 21 signs of infidelity associated with your sense of smell or taste. Your spouse's kisses may taste different. There may be unfamiliar odors on their clothing. Or perhaps something in your home or car just doesn't smell "right."
It's not uncommon for cheating spouse to invite their lover to their home. And the lover may inadvertently, or even deliberately, leave personal items behind. At least 22 different signs of infidelity could turn up in your bedroom, bathroom, living room or other areas of your home if the Other Woman or Other Man has been there while you were away.
Be especially alert around the times of the year when gifts are usually exchanged -- like Christmas or Valentine's Day. If you know what to look for, you can find any of 19 gift-related signs of infidelity in your home or car, including incriminating receipts and credit card bills.
A computer savvy cheating spouse will use the computer to stay in touch with his or her lover. Finding several of the 30 computer-related signs of infidelity can mean your spouse is having an online or internet affair. Don't underestimate cyber cheating because it can pose a serious threat to your marriage.
Cell phones make it easier for a cheating spouse to conceal his or her affair. But they also make it easier to get caught. If your spouse uses a cell phone, pager or similar device to call, text message, or otherwise communicate with their lover, the affair can be exposed in 28 different ways.
Many times, physical proof of infidelity is just waiting to be found among a cheating spouse's personal possessions. When you check pockets, purses, wallets, desk or dresser drawers, closets, tool boxes, or jewelry cases for signs of infidelity, you'll be surprised at how many of the 32 kinds of physical evidence you can find.
Studies show that a cheating spouse is most likely to have an affair with someone they already know -- a neighbor, co-worker, business associate or family friend. If you know what to look for, there are 71 signs of infidelity that can help you determine the identity of the Other Woman or Other Man The way they act around each other will give them away.
There are 57 kinds of slip-ups or disclosures that could accidentally expose a cheating spouse. A slip of the tongue on the part of the cheater or someone he or she knows, could inadvertently expose an extramarital affair.
If you're not sure what specific signs to look for in each of the 21 areas mentioned above, a good infidelity reference book can help. While there are many infidelity books on the market, Is He Cheating on You? - 829 Telltale Signs is the only infidelity one that lists practically every known sign of infidelity, including the subtle signs people usually overlook. There's an entire chapter devoted to each of the 21 categories of infidelity signs. So if your spouse is cheating, you don't have to be the last to know.
There are several other important things you should know about signs of infidelity, especially if you're trying to catch a cheating spouse. Some of these vital, but little known facts about signs of infidelity often come as a surprise, even to people who consider themselves knowledgeable about cheating spouses and extramarital affairs. For a FREE tip sheet entitled "10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Signs of Infidelity", e-mail InfidelityInfo@gmail.com with the words "10 Things-atp" in the subject line.
About the Author:
Infidelity expert Ruth Houston is the founder of www.InfidelityAdvice.com and the author of "Is He Cheating on You?-829 Telltale Signs". Ruth has been quoted in USA Today, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times and numerous others, and has been a guest on The Today Show, CNN, Fox News, NBC News, and over 320 radio and TV shows worldwide. For more information about infidelity, cheating spouses or extramarital affairs, visit InfidelityAdvice.com or Ruth's blog at http://infidelitynewsandviews.blogspot.com To interview Ruth Houston, call 718 592-6039 or e-mail InfidelityExpert@gmail.com
![]() | By Ruth Houston Published: 10/15/2007 |