Saturday, July 02, 2016

So How DID Your Spouse Turn Into A Cheati?

3 Signs of a Cheating Spouse, and How Did He/She Get That Way?

Nothing is worse than finding out from someone they saw your spouse with someone else. On top of the initial shock that hits you, it can be embarrassment and further damage your self-esteem. If you think your spouse is cheating on you, this article will help. First it will show you a pattern of how an affair starts.

Then there are 3 signs of a cheating spouse you can look out for  

How Someone Can Become a Cheating Spouse There is a pattern a marriage can go through that can give you a better idea of how your spouse ended up cheating on you.
An understanding of this means you can just about figure things out without having your cheating spouse explain first This pattern can happen over a period of time so noticing something earlier can also help if cheating hasn't occurred yet. Just fill in the blanks to see if it matches your situation.

First the marriage will start to go through some bumps in the road (lack of attention and needs). These bumps allow a spouse to have negative thoughts towards his/her spouse ( anger, jealousy, fear and even hatred). The spouse will allow these thoughts to control his/her actions (drinking, cussing, gambling, cheating on their spouse). All it takes is temptation from a sympathetic ear and it can spark an emotional affair to develop that can develop into a physical affair.

3 Signs of a Cheating Spouse

One way to detect a cheating spouse is by noticing some signs that are easy to detect. Look out for these signs to further substantiate your suspicions that your spouse might be cheating on you. There are many other signs to look for and you will be able to find them at the link I will provide later in this article.

1. The first sign is when your spouse claims he/she has new duties at work (Working late, dinner meetings, etc...) and your spouse will start working late or even going in earlier.

2.When you notice your spouse can't talk on the phone in front of you and takes the call in another room.

3. When your spouse is defensive or is giving vague answers about his/her activity or whereabouts during the day can indicate also a cheating spouse because your spouse is going out of his/her way to withhold information from you.

I hope this helps you answer some questions you have about signs of a cheating spouse. Of course there is many other things to figure out and if you are interested then go to the link at the end of this article. You have to give your spouse plenty of attention especially during hard times so he/she doesn't end up a cheating spouse. Also you want to watch out for signs of a cheating spouse because it will be the little things you miss that will give them away every time.
3 Signs of a Cheating Spouse and How He/She Get That Way is a look into negative self-talk and how it effects the marriage, a device used to explain how a marriage is still salvageable after an affair. If you want to survive an affair then click to go here []. Article Source: Article Source:

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